The title says it all, I’m awful at drawing. But I’m trying to get better at it.
Currently, the Virtual Coffee book club is reading Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, you can follow the discussion here. And one thing it’s taught me is that I have a fixed mindset with creative endeavours. I had a goal to make something cool that I could show people, or hang up on my wall. But I put very little work into getting better, and when it turned out poorly, I gave up. Essentially, I was trying to seek validation rather than actually growing.
So to embrace growth, my new goal is to get great at drawing lines, straight, curved, angled, long, short, etc. It’s like learning the syntax of a programming language. I started a course (a while ago 😅) where the first lesson was all about lines. Hoping the next few lessons will teach me how to combine lines to make shapes.
Please share any drawing resources or course recommendations you have!
Here are pics of what I’ve done so far!
Me trying to draw my cat. I’m a stick figure guy, and I have no idea how to draw a cat.
Practicing my lines